The Housing (Scotland) Bill: An Initial Overview
After much anticipation, the new Housing (Scotland) Bill was published in March. The Bill is set out in 7 parts, and we will be issuing further updates on each of those parts in due course – the devil is certainly in the detail (or potentially lack of detail) in this Bill.
The 7 parts – and the main takeaway(s) from each - consist of:
a. Rent Controls – rent control areas and restrictions on rent increases;
b. Eviction – duties on the Court and Tribunal to consider delay in enforcement and the calculation of damages for unlawful eviction;
c. Pets and other changes – rights to be introduced to allow private sector tenants to make changes to the rental property and a prohibition on landlords banning pets;
d. General tenancy related provisions – for example, power to the Scottish Ministers to convert assured tenancies to Private Residential Tenancies (PRTs), allowing a single joint tenant to terminate a joint PRT and an update on the rules for serving notice within for RSLs;
e. Homelessness prevention – social landlords will be required to have a policy setting out how to support tenants at risk of homelessness due to domestic abuse;
f. Housing matters including fuel poverty; and
g. Ancillary provisions – including definitions, amendments.
The Bill is unlikely to represent the final form of the legislation that will subsequently be introduced, and the terms of the Bill will be debated by Parliament in the coming weeks and months.
We will provide much more detail on the specific proposals as the Bill proceeds through parliament but are always happy in the meantime to discuss any aspects of concern or interest.
If you would like to speak with a member of the Housing Team at this stage, please get in touch.