Housing Association Procurement Advice

Do you fully understand the procurement regulations and how they will impact upon any procurement process? If you are a housing association or public body, there are certain matters you should consider prior to starting your procurement process in order to ensure that your procurement process is a success. You also need to ensure that you get the application of procurement regulations right.

Although each procurement process is different, and it is advisable to seek specific advice at the outset, there are several matters that should be considered when embarking on any procurement exercise.

Our procurement guide outlines some of the key areas that should be considered, including:

  • Forward planning
  • Type of process i.e. a single or a two-stage process
  • Selection versus award criteria
  • Minimum criteria
  • Interviews
  • References
  • Conclusions

Getting it wrong could be costly and time-consuming for your organisation, so take a few minutes to download our free basic guide today (written by our lawyers in our Glasgow and Edinburgh offices). This provides guidance on the most frequently asked procurement questions.

Do you need procurement advice? If so, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team.